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Orion Oasis
Mobile Site Design

Product Designer, UX/UI Writer/Designer, Concept Designer, Resort Designer
Figma, Miro, Workspace
Competitive Analysis, User interviews, Surveys, Wireframes, Prototypes
An Eco-Resort wants to attract an ultra-high-end customer base to Experience Luxury while Reversing Climate Change.
The Solution applied was to create a mobile website design that follows the SIBS Method - Simple. Informative. Brilliant. Striking. Picturesque Minimalism.
Target Audience
The mobile website is designed for all smartphone users.
Discovery & Research
I used a few different methods to fully understand the challenge at hand. First I created survey questions and scheduled interviews. While this data came in, I looked over some similar eco-resort sites.
Competitive Analysis
I looked at Evergreen Lodge, Xigira, LeCrans, and One and Only Resorts to get a feeling for the marketplace.


Survey questions for this project took a look at what types of amenities people would prefer to find at a location of this type. More detailed questions revealed that users would most likely be enticed by quality images, a good story, amenities, and how it helped protect nature.
Would you be glad to know that Nature Tours, Elevated Walkways, & Zip-Lines are available?
Are you interested in the Environmental Benefits?
Do you want an EMT and a Fire Department?

Participants of the interview answered the previous questions and supplied other data. Some participants made the following statements:
"I want to see images and a good story."
"I really like the idea of knowing how much I helped the Environment."
"I am concerned about safety that far out."
Information Architecture
User Stories & Flows


Site Map

Wire Frames
In order to get a full grasp of the design, I next created lo-fidelity wireframes.
Lo-Fi Testing
Users liked the look and feel of the wireframes, so I moved on to the next step.
Hi-Fi Prototype
After various iterations, driven by feedback from users, surveys, testing, and interviews, I designed a sharp and clean hi-fi prototype.

Users found the initial button location confusing. I adjusted both the location and added a chevron for clarity.


A blend of striking imagery and descriptive text really brought this project together. The animations add to the sleek feel and keep the user interested. People are very interested in a resort that is also a nature preserve. Comfort, amenities, activities, and team retreats seem to bring to most interest.
Final Thoughts
Building out pages and continuing development of this design for a future version would be ideal—many more pages and descriptions. Links to forms and forms in pages could be an excellent way to welcome users to partake in different services.
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